Stambassadors Careers Networking Event
An event organised by Action for Stammering Children (ASC), for young people aged 16-21 who are thinking about their future careers and looking for advice on how to take on the world of work.
Date and times: Thursday 11th July 2019, 6pm-8:30pm.
Venue: PricewaterhouseCoopers, 7 More London Riverside, London SE1 2RT.
ASC are inviting young people to attend their first Stambassadors Careers Networking event. Organisers say, "The Stambassadors project connects people from the world of work who stammer with young people who stammer, sharing their stories and inspiring young people to think big when they are considering their career choices.
'This event will give young people the opportunity to speak with experienced people who stammer about their jobs, how they chose that career path, and advice on how to talk about your stammer with employers."
- A CV surgery
- An interview tips workshop
- Representatives from many industries and job roles.
For more information and to reserve your spot, visit the Eventbrite page.